101+ Fun Things to Do in Kanabec County

skateboardCoalition members are working on a list of 101 Things to Do in Kanabec County. We are currently a few activities short and need your help! Please send your ideas to sackcoalition@gmail.com. Thanks!

  1. Swim at Mora or Ogilvie pools
  2. Play football
  3. Play basketball
  4. Play volleyball
  5. Play tennis
  6. Participate in school sports
  7. Play dodgeball
  8. Act in a school or community theater play
  9. Play music
  10. Listen to music
  11. Be in a band
  12. Play in the school band
  13. Sing in the school choir
  14. Write poetry
  15. Write music
  16. Go hunting
  17. Go fishing
  18. Shoot Trap
  19. Shoot Skeet
  20. Go bowling
  21. Play softball
  22. Grow a garden at home or at the community garden
  23. Ski in the Vassaloppet
  24. Join 4-H
  25. Join Girl Scouts
  26. Join Boy Scouts
  27. Go to the Teen Center
  28. Volunteer with Circle of Friends
  29. Volunteer with Industries
  30. Volunteer with your church
  31. Join a church youth group
  32. Go to the Braham Community center
  33. Take a Community Ed class
  34. Teach a Community Ed class
  35. Volunteer at a nursing home or senior living center
  36. Babysit
  37. Mow a neighbor’s yard
  38. Participate in summer activities through the schools
  39. Work
  40. Dance
  41. Snapchat
  42. Draw
  43. Paint
  44. Do arts and crafts
  45. Go hiking
  46. Go for a walk
  47. Rollerblade
  48. Run
  49. Play ghost in the graveyard
  50. Have a bonfire
  51. Ski
  52. Swim in the lakes or rivers
  53. Play hockey
  54. Facebook
  55. Play disk golf
  56. Play ultimate frisbee
  57. Play frisbee
  58. Take a dog for a walk
  59. Ride a horse
  60. Tae Kwon Do
  61. Pinterest
  62. Cook
  63. Gymnastics
  64. Freeze mob
  65. Flash mob
  66. Karate
  67. Build a snowman
  68. Read a book
  69. Zumba
  70. Yoga
  71. Have a bon fire
  72. Watch movies
  73. Go to the movies
  74. Go on a hay ride
  75. Visit a corn maze
  76. Camp
  77. Play soccer
  78. Ride a bike
  79. Tweet
  80. Go to Banning State Park
  81. Go to the Native American Museum in Milaca
  82. Go the Fire Museum in Hinckley
  83. Go to the Fur Trading Co in Pine City
  84. Go to a concert in the park
  85. Go to the school or community theater performance
  86. Make a movie
  87. Write a book
  88. Snowshoe
  89. Snowmobile
  90. Play Golf
  91. Shop
  92. Canoe
  93. Kayak
  94. Train for a 5k or marathon
  95. Ice skate
  96. Skateboard
  97. Search for agates
  98. Go tubing
  99. Garden
  100. Work
  101. Raise animals
  102. Learn to knit or quilt
  103. Play board or card games

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The content of this site including text, graphics, images, and all other material are for informational purposes only. The information contained here is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. ALWAYS seek the advice of your physician or other qualified professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here!

If you are in a life-threatening situation or have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.

Posted in Healthy Choices, Parents.