Coalition members are working on a list of 101 Things to Do in Kanabec County. We are currently a few activities short and need your help! Please send your ideas to Thanks!
- Swim at Mora or Ogilvie pools
- Play football
- Play basketball
- Play volleyball
- Play tennis
- Participate in school sports
- Play dodgeball
- Act in a school or community theater play
- Play music
- Listen to music
- Be in a band
- Play in the school band
- Sing in the school choir
- Write poetry
- Write music
- Go hunting
- Go fishing
- Shoot Trap
- Shoot Skeet
- Go bowling
- Play softball
- Grow a garden at home or at the community garden
- Ski in the Vassaloppet
- Join 4-H
- Join Girl Scouts
- Join Boy Scouts
- Go to the Teen Center
- Volunteer with Circle of Friends
- Volunteer with Industries
- Volunteer with your church
- Join a church youth group
- Go to the Braham Community center
- Take a Community Ed class
- Teach a Community Ed class
- Volunteer at a nursing home or senior living center
- Babysit
- Mow a neighbor’s yard
- Participate in summer activities through the schools
- Work
- Dance
- Snapchat
- Draw
- Paint
- Do arts and crafts
- Go hiking
- Go for a walk
- Rollerblade
- Run
- Play ghost in the graveyard
- Have a bonfire
- Ski
- Swim in the lakes or rivers
- Play hockey
- Play disk golf
- Play ultimate frisbee
- Play frisbee
- Take a dog for a walk
- Ride a horse
- Tae Kwon Do
- Cook
- Gymnastics
- Freeze mob
- Flash mob
- Karate
- Build a snowman
- Read a book
- Zumba
- Yoga
- Have a bon fire
- Watch movies
- Go to the movies
- Go on a hay ride
- Visit a corn maze
- Camp
- Play soccer
- Ride a bike
- Tweet
- Go to Banning State Park
- Go to the Native American Museum in Milaca
- Go the Fire Museum in Hinckley
- Go to the Fur Trading Co in Pine City
- Go to a concert in the park
- Go to the school or community theater performance
- Make a movie
- Write a book
- Snowshoe
- Snowmobile
- Play Golf
- Shop
- Canoe
- Kayak
- Train for a 5k or marathon
- Ice skate
- Skateboard
- Search for agates
- Go tubing
- Garden
- Work
- Raise animals
- Learn to knit or quilt
- Play board or card games