Kanabec area Safe Cab Offers over-indulgers reduced fares

 Jake Mathison NEWS@moraminn.com | 12/20/2016 ‘Tis the season for overindulgence and with it comes a responsibility to keep our roads safe and sober. Luckily, Kanabec County has a Safe Cab program ready to deliver home anyone who has had a bit too much to drink at the local bar. The Safe Cab program started in […]

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Buzzed Driving Campaign

Our impaired driving campaign showed up on billboards and in the newspapers last week! “Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving” supports the efforts of law enforcement to help keep us safe as we travel during this time of year. Holiday parties and family gatherings can create special memories, but for some, the memories are painful after […]

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Victim speaks out against drunk driving

This was a column written by Christine Sand and published in the Kanabec County Times on November 14, 2013. Click here to view the original column. On a snowy February night almost five years ago my life changed forever, in the blink of an eye. I was in a car crash.   Dazed and confused […]

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